Neighbourhood Sharing Centre
"Share what you don’t need with those who do."
The Neighbourhood Sharing Centre has been a focus of outreach ministry by our parish members for almost five decades. Founded by concerned women from St Thomas, St Andrews-by-the-Lake, and Our Lady of Lourdes, the Centre operates from its permanent home - provided free by the City of Kingston – at 670 Front Road. The Centre accepts donations of good quality used clothing, household items and small appliances, which are then sold to clients at prices far below retail costs. Each year, more than 95 percent of all revenues are shared with individuals in need and community programs across Frontenac County. The Centre makes significant financial contributions to Partners in Mission Food Bank, Martha’s Table, school breakfast programs, shelters, and summer camps. Many members of our parish continue to serve on the team of dedicated volunteers, while others participate through ongoing donations. If you would like to learn more about the Centre and the opportunities it offers for personal ministry, please call 613-389-4367. |