Crystal Springs Manor
Crystal Springs Manor provides 50 apartments for seniors at 760 Front Road. It was built in 1989 as a joint ministry by St Thomas' Anglican Church and St Andrew's-By-The-Lake Uni
From September to June, the Rector leads a weekly Eucharist service and Bible study that is open to all residents. It is held Wednesday mornings at 11:15 am, in the fourth floor common room.
Crystal Springs is managed by a Board on which the Rector sits as an ex officio member, and three members of the parish are appointed to represent the parish on the Board as well.
ted Church.
From September to June, the Rector leads a weekly Eucharist service and Bible study that is open to all residents. It is held Wednesday mornings at 11:15 am, in the fourth floor common room.
Crystal Springs is managed by a Board on which the Rector sits as an ex officio member, and three members of the parish are appointed to represent the parish on the Board as well.